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Kfar Ha-Oranim House
2020 -
Plot area 1200 sqm
House area 350 sqm
3D rendering Studio Bonsai
The construction within a scenic area with a sharp topographic slope and within a forest of pine trees is particularly challenging when the goal is to integrate into the existing landscape. During the planning, a fire broke out in the pine forest which as a result, we decided to restore the landscape. Replant the pines and incorporate the structure into it.
The entrance to the house opens to the view as you go deeper into it. In the western wing is the living and kitchen area, from which you go down to the children's room floor. In the east wing on the entrance floor, the parents' bedroom was designed. On each floor you can go out into the courtyard and enjoy the open view.
The swimming pool is located in the lower area of the yard.
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